Should I use a Binky?

Should I use a Binky?

Let's talk about binkies—or Pacifiers, plugs, the dummy, whatever you like to call it in your family. Tell me if this sounds familiar to you:

"My baby falls asleep great, but the second the binky falls out she wakes up and I feel like I’m replacing it all night! What do I do!?"

If your baby is no longer eating in the night but waking frequently for you to replace the binky, it's time to teach them to connect sleep cycles without it!

No, this does not mean get rid of it. I repeat, do not get rid of it! Around 6-7 months your baby can replace it independently and it's a game changer. And if you use The Melli Sleep Sack and binky link, it’ll keep track of the binky so you don’t have to! Until then, you can still offer it at bedtime and in the night as needed, BUT start to give your baby some time and space before replacing it.

If it falls out, wait 5 minutes. If it falls out again, give it 10 minutes. As you give your baby this space, they can learn to connect sleep cycles, even if it falls out! *If you want more details on this topic, check out my podcast episode on binkies!*

All 4 of my babies loved the binky, and all 4 of them learned to sleep 12 hours, even when it fell out—which means I know your baby can, too!

Happy Sleeping!


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